
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Branches of Science

Different Branches of Science

  • Aeronautics- Science of flights of airplanes
  • Astronomy- Study of heavenly bodies
  • Agronomy- Science dealing with crop plant
  • Angiology- Deals with the study of blood vascular system
  • Anthology- Study of flowers 
  • Apiculture- Honey industries or Bee Keeping
  • Araneology-  Study of spiders
  • Biochemistry- Deals with the study of chemical reactions in relation to life activities 
  • Biotechnology- Deals with the use of micro-organism in commercial processes for producing chemicals
  • Cardiology- Study of heart 
  • Craniology- Study of skulls
  • Cytology- Study of cells 
  • Dermatology- Study of skin
  • Geology- Study of condition and structure of the earth 
  • Genetics- Study of heredity and variations
  • Gynaecology- Study of female reproductive system
  • Horticulture- Study of garden cultivation
  • Haematology- Study of blood
  • Hepatology- Study of liver
  • Kalology- Study of human beauty 
  • Mycology- Study of fungi
  • Myology- Study of muscles
  • Nephrology- Study of kidneys
  • Neurology- Study of nervous system
  • Ophthalmology- Study of eyes
  • Osteology- Study of bones
  • Palaentology- Study of fossils
  • Philology- Study of languages
  • Pedology- Study of soils
  • Pisciculture- Study of fish
  • Pomology- Study of fruits
  •  Seismology- Study of earthquakes 
  • Serpentology- Study of snakes
  • Taxonomy- Study of classifications of organism  



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